Christina S. Zhu is an illustrator and designer from Düsseldorf, Germany. She specialises in translating complex topics – such as psychology, intersectionality, and social issues – into responsible designs for diverse audiences.
In her free time, Christina works with immigrant groups to promote community engagement and inclusivity. She’s excited to bring her skills to projects that not only excel in design but also contribute positively to the community.
Available for freelance illustration work. Feel free to take a look at Christina’s testimonials.
ACUA Bottles, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Austin Monthly, AWO, Berliner Zeitung, Breathe Magazine, Büchner Verlag, Buzzfeed Germany, Commwork, Correctiv, Das Magazin, Deutsches Zentrum für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung (DeZIM-Institut), DGB (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund), Eater/VOX Media, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Futurium gGmbH, Gateway Magazine, Gesicht Zeigen! Für ein weltoffenes Deutschland e.V. , Jaja Verlag, Konfuzius Institut, Korean Cultural Center Germany, korientation e.V., Krautreporter, NBC News, Neue Narrative, New Chinese, Noema Magazine, Novum World of Graphic Design, PICUM: Platform for Undocumented Migrants, Psychologie Heute, Politico Europe, Stadt Neuss, taz – die Tageszeitung, The Globe and Mail, The New York Times, The Philosopher’s Magazine, Transform Magazin, Universität der Künste Berlin.
15.11.24–15.12.24 sonder ausstellung, Hansa 12, Münster, Germany
18.12.23–30.04.24 Ein Spiel von Perspektive, Rathaus Neuss, Neuss, Germany
12.05.23–10.09.23 Generation* – Jugend trotz(t) Krise, Kunsthalle Bremen, Bremen, Germany
04.05.23–07.05.23 ILLU23, Michael Horbach Stiftung, Cologne, Germany
16.03.23–2028 Zukünfte der Demokratie, Futurium, Berlin, Germany
04.12.22–15.01.23 75. Jahresausstellung Kunst aus Neuss, Kulturforum Alte Post, Neuss, Germany
30.08.22–04.09.22 Where do you think you’re going? On Spaces & Identities, Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin, Germany
01.07.22–03.07.22 Microcosmos: Temporal Spaces and Uncertain Memories, Kunstraum Potsdamer Straße, Berlin, Germany
24.06.22–03.07.22 Hamburger Bilderbuchpreis, Fabrik der Künste, Hamburg, Germany
12.05.22–16.05.22 The Electrified Art Experience by Jaguar, Jaguar Premium Cars, Berlin, Germany
29.10.2021–31.10.21 Rundgang, Universität der Künste Berlin, Berlin, Germany
19.10.21–24.10.21 Fault Lines: Strike-Slip, Thalia Gaußstraße, Hamburg, Germany
22.07.21–25.07.21 Ilustrofest, Belgrade Fortress, Belgrade, Serbia
24.01.21–06.11.21 MOSAIC, aequa CC, Berlin, Germany
04.12.20–31.12.20 Salon der Perspektiven, atelier automatique, Bochum & Unterhaus, Oberhausen, Germany
18.06.20–01.08.20 Dyscorpia 2.1, Remote Exhibition
07.02.20–09.02.20 Parcours, Münster School of Design, Münster, Germany
23.04.19–30.06.19 Dyscorpia, Enterprise Square Galleries, Edmonton, Canada
11.04.19–21.04.19 The Gateway annual photo & art show, Café Mosaics, Edmonton, Canada
26.08.18–10.01.19 Im Japanfieber, Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen, Germany